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Effective communication

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ON18 Online - Working in company

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Nowadays, with the appearance of new technologies, it is not strange to find work in which there is no need to establish a face-to-face relationship with other people. Despite what it may seem, even this type of work requires a great capacity to connect and ally with others to achieve the objectives. That is why teamwork is still one of the most valued and most demanded skills in the labor market. In the course "Working in company", we present the best tools and habits to work in coordination with other people.

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ON44 Online - 5 Basic conflict management styles

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

In this course we will deal with the proper management of conflicts, based on the Thomas and Kilmann Model, which explains the five styles for dealing with conflicts according to the characteristics of each conflict and the results to be obtained. Each style should be adopted in a specific situation and according to the proposed objectives. With this course you will learn how to effectively manage different types of conflicts.

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ON31 Online - How to communicate and socialize on social networks

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Social networks have revolutionized the way we communicate and socialize in recent years. But is digital communication governed by the same rules as other more "traditional" ways of communication? In this course, we will teach you the differences you need to take into account in order to establish a successful communication strategy, both personally and professionally.

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ON38 Online - Leadership to develop your team

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Leadership involves influencing a group of people through persuasive skills or inspirational behaviour. It is being an example and a guide. In this course you will learn about the different styles of leadership, discover what your main style is and how to adapt it to different situations. In addition, we will review the main strategies that every leader has to implement.

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ON36 Online - Identify your influence and communication style

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

When it comes to relating to others, each of us has our own communication style, which is what makes us different. Find out what yours is in order to improve your communication and relationship with others. This course will show you how to identify your communication strengths and areas for improvement, as well as the communication style of your interlocutor. This will allow you to modulate and adapt your communication to influence.

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ON22 Online - Empathy: listening to understand

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you want to discover what empathy is, what it is for and how to use it in the workplace? To achieve this, you have two modules on this course to deepen your knowledge: First, we will explore what characterizes empathy, and what are the skills necessary to be empathetic. Also, by analysing practical cases, you will be able to understand how you can use it. Second, we will address active listening and its connection with empathy, what benefits it brings, how it can be useful for us, and the strategies to develop it. At the end of the course, you will understand how empathy and active listening can improve your communication competence in the workplace. Will you join me?

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ON23 Online - Argue to reach agreements

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

For this we will make 2 master moves: Knowing the skills, techniques, phases and strategies necessary to reach good agreements. How to identify, prepare and create a good argument to refute objections and achieve a "win-win". Do you want to play?

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ON21 Online - Take the floor: verbal and non-verbal language in work

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you dare to take the word in different situations of the work context? To achieve this, you have two modules in this course: In the first one, we will explore what characterizes oral communication and, together with the strategies provided and the analysis of practical cases, you will be able to understand how to make an appropriate use of oral communication. You'll even find keys to speak in public effectively. In the second module we will deal with how, thanks to non-verbal language, our communication is more accurate and effective. At the end of the course you will understand how to make effective use of verbal and non-verbal language, in an integrated way in your oral communication in the work context.

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ON19 Online - Communicate!

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

It is impossible not to communicate. We do it in all situations, even if we do not speak. But do we do it properly? "Communicate" proposes to develop your communication skills so that they can be as efficient as possible. In this video we show you how to do this.

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ON45 Online - Networking for shy people

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

This course is aimed at people who feel that their shyness can be an impediment in the professional sphere. It explains the practice of networking and its usefulness in the workplace, without forgetting the benefits on a personal level, and a practical approach to be able to take full advantage of it and not be overcome by shyness.

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ON33 Online - Effective communication: Feedback and Feedforward

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Knowing how to formulate constructive criticism or give feedback is key to continuous improvement and personal and professional growth. In this course we will explain the different types of response that exist (feedback and feedforward), what each of them is for and how to apply them to achieve future improvements, as well as the most appropriate techniques for giving and receiving quality feedback.

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ON20 Online - The secrets of written communication

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you want to know the secrets of written communication? To achieve this, in this course you have two modules. In the first we will explore, in depth, the written communication, understanding its impact in the context of the job. In the second you will decipher the keys to improve your digital communication. At the end of the course, you will be able to develop written communications in the workplace context effectively.

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ON24 Online - Assertiveness: beyond knowing how to say no

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

We will start by discovering what assertiveness is and what it is not, and we will continue to learn techniques that allow us to act assertively in the workplace.

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EC191 - Aula Virtual - Negociar, vendre o convèncer? Un primer contacte

Monosessió | Teacher: Grup Montaner Associados

Sents pressió quan has d'iniciar una negociació? Saps per on començar? L'inici de qualsevol negociació és prendre consciència d'allò que pots oferir. En aquesta activitat d'iniciació a la negociació, aprendràs les claus per avançar sense por en una negociació.  

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EC316 - Aula Virtual - Comunicació i PNL

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

La Programació Neuro Lingüística (PNL) ens aporta eines que ens ajuden a entendre com ens comuniquem: des de l'autoconeixement, ens permet desenvolupar estratègies de comunicació per assolir canvis tant a nivell personal com professional. En aquest taller descobrirem com captem la realitat, com entenem allò que va passant i com això afecta a la nostra comunicació.

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EC315 - Tens controlada la teva comunicació no verbal?

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

La comunicació no verbal intervé en qualsevol situació i, per tant, és un factor clau també en l'àmbit professional. Aprèn a analitzar què i com comuniquem a través de la comunicació no verbal, i quin efecte hi tenen les nostres emocions, per desenvolupar un estil comunicatiu que s'adapti a cada situació.

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EC314 - Comunicació eficient per resoldre conflictes

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

Una comunicació inadequada i/o ineficient és sovint font de malentesos. Si sabem comunicar-nos de forma correcta aconseguirem transmetre de forma clara allò que volem. En aquesta activitat aprendràs les claus de la comunicació i com superar les barreres que ens dificulten l'entesa.  

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EC174 - Networking: més que fer i mantenir contactes

Monosessió | Teacher: Rosaura Alastruey

Saps que el networking és molt més que conèixer persones que et puguin ser útils professionalment? Vols descobrir i treballar bones pràctiques per gestionar aquesta competència a Barcelona? Inicia't en aquesta forma de ser estratègica que, sens dubte, esdevindrà un abans i un després en el teu camí professional.  

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ON18 Online - Working in company

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Nowadays, with the appearance of new technologies, it is not strange to find work in which there is no need to establish a face-to-face relationship with other people. Despite what it may seem, even this type of work requires a great capacity to connect and ally with others to achieve the objectives. That is why teamwork is still one of the most valued and most demanded skills in the labor market. In the course "Working in company", we present the best tools and habits to work in coordination with other people.

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ON44 Online - 5 Basic conflict management styles

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

In this course we will deal with the proper management of conflicts, based on the Thomas and Kilmann Model, which explains the five styles for dealing with conflicts according to the characteristics of each conflict and the results to be obtained. Each style should be adopted in a specific situation and according to the proposed objectives. With this course you will learn how to effectively manage different types of conflicts.

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ON31 Online - How to communicate and socialize on social networks

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Social networks have revolutionized the way we communicate and socialize in recent years. But is digital communication governed by the same rules as other more "traditional" ways of communication? In this course, we will teach you the differences you need to take into account in order to establish a successful communication strategy, both personally and professionally.

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ON38 Online - Leadership to develop your team

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Leadership involves influencing a group of people through persuasive skills or inspirational behaviour. It is being an example and a guide. In this course you will learn about the different styles of leadership, discover what your main style is and how to adapt it to different situations. In addition, we will review the main strategies that every leader has to implement.

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ON36 Online - Identify your influence and communication style

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

When it comes to relating to others, each of us has our own communication style, which is what makes us different. Find out what yours is in order to improve your communication and relationship with others. This course will show you how to identify your communication strengths and areas for improvement, as well as the communication style of your interlocutor. This will allow you to modulate and adapt your communication to influence.

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ON22 Online - Empathy: listening to understand

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you want to discover what empathy is, what it is for and how to use it in the workplace? To achieve this, you have two modules on this course to deepen your knowledge: First, we will explore what characterizes empathy, and what are the skills necessary to be empathetic. Also, by analysing practical cases, you will be able to understand how you can use it. Second, we will address active listening and its connection with empathy, what benefits it brings, how it can be useful for us, and the strategies to develop it. At the end of the course, you will understand how empathy and active listening can improve your communication competence in the workplace. Will you join me?

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ON23 Online - Argue to reach agreements

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

For this we will make 2 master moves: Knowing the skills, techniques, phases and strategies necessary to reach good agreements. How to identify, prepare and create a good argument to refute objections and achieve a "win-win". Do you want to play?

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ON21 Online - Take the floor: verbal and non-verbal language in work

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you dare to take the word in different situations of the work context? To achieve this, you have two modules in this course: In the first one, we will explore what characterizes oral communication and, together with the strategies provided and the analysis of practical cases, you will be able to understand how to make an appropriate use of oral communication. You'll even find keys to speak in public effectively. In the second module we will deal with how, thanks to non-verbal language, our communication is more accurate and effective. At the end of the course you will understand how to make effective use of verbal and non-verbal language, in an integrated way in your oral communication in the work context.

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ON19 Online - Communicate!

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

It is impossible not to communicate. We do it in all situations, even if we do not speak. But do we do it properly? "Communicate" proposes to develop your communication skills so that they can be as efficient as possible. In this video we show you how to do this.

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ON45 Online - Networking for shy people

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

This course is aimed at people who feel that their shyness can be an impediment in the professional sphere. It explains the practice of networking and its usefulness in the workplace, without forgetting the benefits on a personal level, and a practical approach to be able to take full advantage of it and not be overcome by shyness.

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ON33 Online - Effective communication: Feedback and Feedforward

Monosessió | Teacher: BARCELONA ACTIVA

Knowing how to formulate constructive criticism or give feedback is key to continuous improvement and personal and professional growth. In this course we will explain the different types of response that exist (feedback and feedforward), what each of them is for and how to apply them to achieve future improvements, as well as the most appropriate techniques for giving and receiving quality feedback.

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ON20 Online - The secrets of written communication

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

Do you want to know the secrets of written communication? To achieve this, in this course you have two modules. In the first we will explore, in depth, the written communication, understanding its impact in the context of the job. In the second you will decipher the keys to improve your digital communication. At the end of the course, you will be able to develop written communications in the workplace context effectively.

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ON24 Online - Assertiveness: beyond knowing how to say no

Monosessió | Teacher: Barcelona Activa

We will start by discovering what assertiveness is and what it is not, and we will continue to learn techniques that allow us to act assertively in the workplace.

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EC315 - Tens controlada la teva comunicació no verbal?

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

La comunicació no verbal intervé en qualsevol situació i, per tant, és un factor clau també en l'àmbit professional. Aprèn a analitzar què i com comuniquem a través de la comunicació no verbal, i quin efecte hi tenen les nostres emocions, per desenvolupar un estil comunicatiu que s'adapti a cada situació.

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EC314 - Comunicació eficient per resoldre conflictes

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

Una comunicació inadequada i/o ineficient és sovint font de malentesos. Si sabem comunicar-nos de forma correcta aconseguirem transmetre de forma clara allò que volem. En aquesta activitat aprendràs les claus de la comunicació i com superar les barreres que ens dificulten l'entesa.  

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EC174 - Networking: més que fer i mantenir contactes

Monosessió | Teacher: Rosaura Alastruey

Saps que el networking és molt més que conèixer persones que et puguin ser útils professionalment? Vols descobrir i treballar bones pràctiques per gestionar aquesta competència a Barcelona? Inicia't en aquesta forma de ser estratègica que, sens dubte, esdevindrà un abans i un després en el teu camí professional.  

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EC191 - Aula Virtual - Negociar, vendre o convèncer? Un primer contacte

Monosessió | Teacher: Grup Montaner Associados

Sents pressió quan has d'iniciar una negociació? Saps per on començar? L'inici de qualsevol negociació és prendre consciència d'allò que pots oferir. En aquesta activitat d'iniciació a la negociació, aprendràs les claus per avançar sense por en una negociació.  

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EC316 - Aula Virtual - Comunicació i PNL

Monosessió | Teacher: UTE Make things happen

La Programació Neuro Lingüística (PNL) ens aporta eines que ens ajuden a entendre com ens comuniquem: des de l'autoconeixement, ens permet desenvolupar estratègies de comunicació per assolir canvis tant a nivell personal com professional. En aquest taller descobrirem com captem la realitat, com entenem allò que va passant i com això afecta a la nostra comunicació.

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Anterior May , 2024 Següent

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